Hello, I'm Josephine and this is just another website on the World Wide Web. I don't plan on using Neocities all that much. These days I'm much too busy doing grown-up things such as; holding down a job, taking care of the house, paying bills, and paying rent. Yeah, I will admit. I've become one those "boring" adults. I still enjoy some of my interests in Disney and Yu-Gi-Oh!, but recently they sort of waned over time. Besides Disney & Yu-Gi-Oh! I enjoy reading manga, wathcing anime, writing, and doodling (when I actually commit to it.). Otherwise, I'm just like any other young woman. I've got hopes, dreams, and goals I hope to achieve someday. Stay safe y'all and never give up!
“Life is brief but love is LONG .” ― Alfred Lord Tennyson, The Princess
Not Really A Journal
This is the first time in many months that I've actually taken the time to take an existing webpage and sort of cusomtize it and edit it to my liking. It feels just like the old days, where I'd spent hours on Tumblr and Dreamwidth searching for the best layouts to install. Those were the days. Thinking back, I had some fun, but all that time I spent using the Internet, could've been used towards other things. Maybe, I could've improved my art and digital coloring skills, I so badly wanted to have. Instead, I just waste so much time then and now on the computer and on my cell phone. My goal for 2022 is to hopefully, use less of all of my electronics for computers, laptops, tablets, and cell phones. I'll limit my usage for work and to learn more about cooking and baking only. Easier said than done, if you ask me. I also need to rekindle my love for reading too. Manga, magazines, newspapers, and even articles online on things does cut it. Books are something special in itself.
Any how, I'm rambling at this point. I don't plan on logging on to work on or update my website that much. As I've said on my "About" page above, I'm busy doing a lot of adulting these days. Plus, my interests and goals have shifted too. I'm still the same old Josephine, just a bit wiser I hope. So, to wrap it up in a nice bow, this will be my only online journal entry for Neocities. As Porky Pig would say, "That's all for now folks!"